Would You Like A Strawberry Switchblade Outfit?
Written by admin on September 19, 2008
Here is a heads-up to fans of Strawberry Switchblade: every once in a while, Rose MacDowall sells some old clothes and/or memorabilia from her days in the band on eBay. She and a friend who helps with some of her internet presence will normally announce what’s up for auction on their MySpace Blog.
At the time of this post, they are currently auctioning off a blue-with-black-polka-dots dress from the Switchblade era.
MacDowall and former partner Jill Bryson had a style that is still remembered but can never be duplicated. Fans can keep up to date on what she is selling through both her MySpace page and the eBay account where her items are sold.
Our March 2008 Revenge of the 80s Radio Interview with Rose MacDowall can be found on this post.

Also, I would like to take advantage of this post and direct you to a truly masterful site on all things Strawberry Switchblade: www.strawberryswitchblade.net. It is the definitive resource for all things SS, including interviews with MacDowall, Bryson and their producers as well as a history of the group, lyrics, mp3 music downloads, rare articles and more. Merrick, who pilots the site, is also the brains behind the equally brilliant Dust In the Stylus blog.