Tonight’s Show 8/23/10
Written by admin on August 27, 2010
Click here to listen live between 7-9pm Eastern US Time You can also get the show from our flagship station website: Check the bottom of this post for other affiliates’ dates and times.

Tonight, as I still recover from eye surgery, we will replay a classic Revenge of the 80s show featuring an interview with actor Eddie Deezen. Enjoy…
Revenge of the 80s airs live on Friday nights 7-9ET on Q99.1FM in the Hudson Valley (; on Wednesdays 12noon Melbourne, AUS time on Radio 80s 87.6FM; Weekday mornings 7-9am AUS time on Seymour FM; Wednesday nights 6-8pm (Eastern US) and Saturdays 7-9pm on The Volt radio (Canada). Podcasts are available on Saturdays after the live show.