Archived Interviews – 1
This page features archived interviews from past “Revenge of the 80s” shows, along with some special content.
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6/27/08 Interview with Dale Bozzio
6/13/08 interview with Annabella Lwin
Part 3 of 6/13/08 interview with Annabella Lwin: on her efforts to help people in her native Yangoon, Myanmar, Burma — which was devastated by Cyclone Nargis in 2008.
5/30/08 Interview with Nikki Corvette (Nikki and the Corvettes)
5/16/08 Interview with Caron Maso Murray (The Little Girls)
5/2/08 Interview with Jean McColl (Kirsty McColl’s mother) on the “Justice for Kirsty” Campaign and Jean’s bio on Kirsty: Sun on the Water
4/25/08 Interview with Stan Ridgway
3/28/08 Interview with Rose McDowall (Strawberry Switchblade)
3/21/08 Interview with Tracey and Missy Belland (Voice of the Beehive)
SPECIAL CONTENT: 6/25/07 Interview with Missy Belland (VOTB) as host of Money Matters about “Made In Heaven by Missy” and her being a finalist in the Yahoo Ultimate Connection Contest.