Archived Interviews – 3
This page features archived interviews from past “Revenge of the 80s” shows, along with some special content.
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8/28/09 Interview with Josie Cotton
8/7/09 Interview with Martha Davis
7/24/09 Interview with Caron Maso Murray (2nd) on The Little Girls newest CDs
6/12/09 Chat with Martin Fry (2nd) on Regeneration Tour 2009 and his latest charity work
6/5/09 Interview with Terri Nunn (2nd) on her new CD/DVD, Regeneration Tour 2009 and other new projects
5/29/09 Chat with Jack Hues (Regeneration Tour)
4/10/09 Interview with Sally Kellerman
3/6/09 Interview with Adriana Kaegi
2/27/09 Interview with Louise Robey
2/6/09 Interview with Tony Kinman (The Dils, Rank and File, Blackbird)