today and yesterday
This week’s show features a conversation with Josie Cotton, who became the world’s new wave sweetheart when she performed (already an international hit) “Johnny Are You Queer” in the movie Valley Girl.
Tonight’s Revenge of the 80s Radio show will feature a conversation with Josie Cotton. Most 80s fans remember Cotton for her performance of “Johnny, Are You Queer?” on Valley Girl. While it was an international hit, controversy over the song wound up depriving us at the time of the musical talents of this fine songwriter.
The Band Who Made Us All Dance to “The Earthquake Song” in the ’80s is Back with Classic Cuts and a New Sound
The podcast version of our 7/24 Revenge of the 80s Radio show featuring a conversation with Caron Maso Murray of The Little Girls is up and available at the bottom of this post
Tonight’s Revenge of the 80s Radio show will feature our latest interview with Caron Maso Murray of The Little Girls. The band has just released two new CDs: Thank Heaven for Valley Pop and Today… and Yesterday.
While I promised an interview with Caron Maso Murray of The Little Girls for this week’s show, a home emergency forced me to postpone playing our conversation on the band’s new albums and Caron’s solo performances. I greatly apologize for that adn I will have that interview on next week.
This week, we will replay last year’s discussion with Caron