nikki and the corevettes

Stooges guitarist Ron Asheton was found dead in his Ann Arbor, Michigan home. Asheton’s creative riffs will always be remembered by fans and those his axe-handling had inspired. Revenge of the 80s Radio will feature a tribute to Asheton and the Stooges during part of Friday night’s show.

Gorevette, a collaboration of girl power-rockers Nikki Corvette and Amy Goire, will play their first live show together Friday night at The Magic Bag in Ferndale, MI. They are on as part of the Grand Nationals’ 7-inch record release party as one of the opening acts. The full show begins at 8pm. Nikki Corvette‘s place […]

The podcast for our 11/28 Revenge of the 80s Radio Show is now up and available at the end of this post. This week’s program featured a new track from Gorevette, a new band formed by Nikki Corvette (Nikki and the Corvettes) and Amy Gore (The Gore Gore Girls) with former Gore Gore Girl Lianna […]

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