Fund, Benefit Concert to Aid Plimsouls’ Founder Peter Case
Written by admin on March 25, 2009

Friends and fans of former Plimsouls singer and band founder Peter Case have put together a fund and are working on a benefit concert to raise money for him as he recovers from his emergency heart surgery in January. The Hidden Love Relief Fund has been established to help pay for Case’s heavy medical bills as he is one of the millions of Americans without health insurance. Donations can be made on the Hidden Love Relief Fund’s website.
The concert is still in the organization phase and its date, location and lineup are yet to be determined.

Case was best-known for forming The Plimsouls, whose fame elevated through airtime on the legendary KROQ-FM in Los Angeles and after “A Million Miles Away” was featured in the move “Valley Girl.” He also formed The Nerves, whose single “Hanging on the Telephone” became a classic after being covered by Blondie. After the Plimsouls broke up, Case re-established himself as a singer/songwriter, releasing several albums as a solo artist.
Donation information for the Hidden Love Fund can be found here.
Merlin47 On October 12, 2009 at 11:07 pm
It can be very difficult for principals to bring such teachers along. ,
Coder63 On October 22, 2009 at 10:53 pm
The laws of chance are not invalidated by this ‘invention’, but their outcome is modified. ,